My friend Monica Faucheaux, the beautiful woman in the image, and I were having coffee one morning...she was needing some new imagery for her book and I was trying to come up with a promotional concept for the fall. I wanted something that said "Texas" to cement in the folks in the Texas market that I was present. It needed to powerful, production heavy and, even more important fun...if it ain't fun, it's just not worth doing. Herding cats popped into my head as we were talking, and off we went.
So during the hottest summer in Texas history, me, Monica, Tara Cooper (makeup), Destry James and Brenda Lindfors (assistants) along with the help of our cowboy in residence Dan Mitchell with the location provided by Kaare Remme, in San Marcus, we shot a series of three images to tell the story for the "National Cat Herding Association." In post production, we secured the help of Whitney Hanson at the Austin Humane Society to help us wrangle a few of the furry beasts for a shoot there. Allison Hughes came in at the end to help with the Photoshop work.
All in all, everything went purrfect during and after the shoot, and of course, the folks at the NCHA were thrilled! Be looking for the next two installments.